About Edward Jwa, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Dr. Jwa discovered his passion for Asian Medicine after being diagnosed with severe kidney disease at the age of 11. Through the use of acupuncture and herbal remedies, his condition significantly improved, and he found comfort and peace in visiting his Asian Medicine clinic. However, as he progressed through college and majored in economics, following in his father's footsteps, he gradually let go of his love for Asian Medicine. He later realized that his true passion was in helping others with health conditions, similar to his own, and withdrew from his PhD program to attend Samra University in Los Angeles, the oldest acupuncture college in the US, where he studied Korean traditional medicine. He graduated with a Master's degree and license in 2010, and later earned his PhD in Oriental Medicine from American Liberty University in 2017.
Dr. Jwa’s practice focuses on the integration of traditional Asian Medicine and modern technology, using not only traditional acupuncture and herbal medicine but also technology like radio frequency and microcurrent therapy to improve the efficacy of his treatment and allow patients to more comfortably approach traditional Asian Medicine with unique contemporary adaptations.
He has successfully treated;
-Pain syndromes: bulging discs, muscle pain, sprain/strain and so on
-Foot/leg problems: bunion, plantar fasciitis, knee problems
-Anxiety and depression