7 Reasons Why Plastic Bottled Water is Dangerous

1. Your Bottled Water Probably Doesn’t Come From Where You Think it Does

One of the primary reasons consumers continue to purchase bottled water regardless of the potential environmental impact is due to a perception that bottled water is higher quality, more pristine water; and there is a reason for this misconception. Most advertisements for bottled water depict a fresh stream or mountain spring in order to make it seem like their bottled water is purer than tap water or other brands of bottled water. However, water that is bottled from special springs is rare, and the fact is that most bottled water comes from similar sources as your municipal water supply, meaning that there is likely nothing special about your bottled water other than its branding. In fact, Aquafina now states on its labels that its water comes from public sources. Additionally, as we will discuss below, in some cases your bottled water may be less pure than what comes out of your tap at home.

EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping

What Is EFT Tapping? 

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, and EFT tapping has roots in the 1970s when several doctors began stimulating acupressure points to help their patients deal with stress, fear, and phobias. One of them, patented by Dr. Roger Callahan, is called Thought Field Therapy. Later Gary Craig simplified the process and made it available to the public under the EFT name.

Water and Health

Are you water-wise?

Soft drinks won’t do it. Fruit juices won’t do it. Even milk won’t do it. Nothing hydrates your body like water. But how absorbable is your water? Alkapuro’s natural ionic calcium alkaline water is one of the best sources of hydration. It hydrates faster and more completely than tap water or most bottled waters, as proven by tests. Proper, more thorough hydration is the key to good health and fitness.

Calcium and Water

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What is Calcium?

The existence of life needs an organism to metabolize all nutrients inside of an organism and only continuation of metabolism guarantees the life. Among 5 nutrients, carbohydrates, fat, protein, mineral and vitamins, except mineral, none of others have self activation, thus, can’t start activity. Without the mineral, the starter to physiological process of the first environment condition on earth, nutrients could not be synthesized mineral, thus, impossible to be energized and also impossible to originate the life.

Alka-Pi 100 Ionic Calcium Alkaline Water System

Alkapuro’s Natural Ionic Calcium Alkaline Water System is one of the most convenient and economical methods of reducing dissolved solids in potable drinking water. This means drastic reductions in impurities such as salts, sugars, particles, dyes, germs, bacteria and virus. You get the best quality of Natural Ionic Calcium Alkaline Water, at your finger tips 365 days a year, and at only a fraction of the cost.

Why You Need Alka-Pi Water

People these days suffer from stress, air and work-related pollution; they also suffer from overdoses of acidic food. All of these factors contribute to creating a more acidic body, despite any buffers of the body trying to prevent such. An example of a degenerative disease caused by over amounts of acidic nutrients is cancer. Cancer cells become prevalent when the body turns acidic. The deviation of the body from a more alkaline condition to a more acidic condition causes some cells to turn into cancer cells (which survive and multiply in this acidic environment). As long as the body is in an acidic condition, cancer cells cannot be completely eradicated.

One way to prevent bodily fluids from turning acidic is by drinking Alka-Pi Water. Alka-Pi Water is a perfect solution to this problem. Ionic minerals in this water (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) are 100% absorbed by the body.