People these days suffer from stress, air and work-related pollution; they also suffer from overdoses of acidic food. All of these factors contribute to creating a more acidic body, despite any buffers of the body trying to prevent such. An example of a degenerative disease caused by over amounts of acidic nutrients is cancer. Cancer cells become prevalent when the body turns acidic. The deviation of the body from a more alkaline condition to a more acidic condition causes some cells to turn into cancer cells (which survive and multiply in this acidic environment). As long as the body is in an acidic condition, cancer cells cannot be completely eradicated.
One way to prevent bodily fluids from turning acidic is by drinking Alka-Pi Water. Alka-Pi Water is a perfect solution to this problem. Ionic minerals in this water (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) are 100% absorbed by the body.
There is extensive research in the field of human longevity showing that one of the “secrets” of a long, healthy life is the calcium ion. Alka-Pi Water contains the calcium ion. This water is a first of its kind–a water purified with the known process called “reverse osmosis”, then infused with the minerals – calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium – via the water flowing over ceramic “marbles” made of pulverized pearl, coral, and seashells (from which the minerals come). This infusion turns the purified water alkaline and trace-mineral-rich instantaneously (with a pH of 9 – 10 which stays stable at this pH level).
Drinking Alka-Pi Water helps the body reverse problems and to stay fit and strong – at a low cost. Reports are available explaining such claims and showing testimonies of individuals’ successes with this water.
If we must drink water–and indeed it is a hydration must–we might as well drink the healthiest water. Most bottled waters are acidic or at best, mildly acidic. Tap water may have minerals, but it also contains various unwanted sediments, differently in every water district. Bottled water or tap water – either one is a serious problem, as we are meant to drink healthier water. Alkapuro has achieved this “healthiest water” status in stable form. The best way to know if this refreshing Alka-Pi Water does something for you, is to simply try it–and enjoy it!
Pure & Simple, it’s Better Water
Through extensive research and development, we have successfully created an All Natural Ionic Calcium Alkaline water that produces a stable 9-10 pH . Our patented filtration and infused calcium system delivers pure ionic calcium alkaline water that tastes great while it hydrates better and faster than typical filtered or bottled water.
- Clean Refreshing Taste
- Absolute Purity
- Ultimate Hydration
- Stable pH of 9~10
- Ionic Calcium Infused for Maximum Absorption
What is pH Water?
By definition, it means Potential Hydrogen; the amount of H (hydrogen) ions concentrated in a substance or solution. In our bodies, pH affects EVERYTHING: At low pH levels (acidity), our immune system weakens and leads to dysfunction, allowing degenerative agents to thrive.
What this means to you?
We all know that we need to eat more vegetables and green foods daily. Nutritionists tell us that a well balanced and healthy diet is essential for good long term health. Drinking healthy amounts of water is equally important by keeping our bodies well hydrated throughout the day.
The fact is, we consume large amounts of sugar, simple carbohydrates, and high protein foods, such as processed cheese, meats etc. Most of these foods are acid forming and can cause over-acidification in our bodies. When combined with inadequate hydration, we further compromise our body’s fluids and ultimately lead to even higher acid levels in our body.
We measure the acidity/alkalinity in our bodies and the food we consume by their pH level. All food we ingest influences our body‘s pH level. By consuming acid forming foods, our body is continuously fighting to neutralize the excessive acid to retain a normal pH balance. Our bodies need alkaline pH for good health.
To compare, ALKA POWER has a stable 9-10 pH level which counteracts the effects of our normal diet.
Completely Safe to Drink
It contains no harmful ingredients, calories or preservatives. Just great all natural water that is specially infused to have a highest, most stable pH level available.
Ingredients: Natural Alkaline Water with Ionic Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Traces of Sodium.